Well, it has been some time since I have posted a blog on my site. I decided to get the blog going again and this time I decided to do it right by setting up an actual blog page and format. If you remember from before, I would just create a page and type my blog and that was that. This time I want to manage it properly and for you, the reader, so you can easily go in and see past blogs with the ease of built in navigation on the site. So BOOM! #imback
Right now working on my game. Raising the bar. Hitting some tournament wins and some tough learning lessons. The hardest ones are the deep runs and making the one, or two mistakes in decisions that run me to the “Thanks for playing” line. Those hurt the most.
This first post is to have something to work with on the site as I go in and make sure all is good moving forward. I am looking forward to keeping you updated on my poker journey and see what happens next! I am hoping Fast Eddie Bosse will be glad blogs are back!